Technology in Movies – Is that the reason Nepali movies are bad?


It was an incident when I went to watch a movie in Kumari Cinema. During the interval, when I was having coffee with one of my friends we saw a group of guys aged 18-22. They were were there to watch a Hindi movie.

One of the guys showed the poster of a recently released Nepali movie ‘Mann Manai Man Paraye’ and said, “Why all Nepali movies have got same type of posters and story? Always action and same actors?” Another replied, "Our country is poor, so Nepali film industry lacks the technology Hollywood and Bollywood is blessed with. Nepali film makers have to work with limited technology. Or else our movies will also be better like Hindi and English ones." I felt good to hear the positive views of the youngsters about Nepali films.

Yes, most of the people who donÂ’t watch Nepali films think like that. They believe that it is the lack of technology that stops Nepali directors and producers from making a good movie. The same thing can be heard from the Nepali film makers. They often say that Nepali movies can be of international level but, lack of technology makes it impossible. A few directors who had made some successful movies have even said that they can make movies good enough to be considered for Oscar. They even ask the Government to offer them the latest technology. It seems, our film makers are doing their best but, they haven’t been able to use their full potential due to the lack of technology.


Did lack of technology stop the innovation?

I also used to believe the talk were true. It is somewhat true that, we are poor and we can’t afford the latest technology in movie making. But now, I have realized that that was a lame excuse for Nepali film makers. They were only trying to make a fool out of the viewers and get sympathy for their low-grade work.

Let me give you an example of a Hindi blockbuster movie ‘3 idiots.’ If we watch the entire movie, we can see that there is no use of so called ‘technology.’ Every Nepali production units is resourceful enough to make such movies. Who will buy the argument that the movie was made successful by the use of technology? The movie doesn’t have any animation, doesn’t have any especial effect or stunts, no foreign locations… nothing that cost a fortune to the producer. Yet the movie became super hit thanks to its story and script. Its story and acting touched the hearts of the viewers. So people liked it.

I donÂ’t think making such movie is impossible with the current resources Nepali film makers have. It is not the technology that is stopping Nepali from making such movie but it is the lack of dedication, research, and hard work that won’t let our producers make such movies in Nepal.

Our directors and producers are more interested in making "super hit movie" rather than a "good movie". That is the reason they choose shortcut method – like copying scenes, posters, scripts, stories from other successful movies from abroad. And, if someone points finger to their mistakes in their movie, they have easy and readymade excuse "Lack of Technology." Our film makers don’t want to use new concept and story in their movie. They don’t want to risk and they prefer the "time tested" old concept in their movies.

Most the Nepali movies have lousy script. I came to know that the rate of Nepali script writer starts at 20,000 and doesn’t cross 100,000 for the best script writer. I think Nepali film makers should invest more in the movie than in music launch, press conference and premiere show of movie. Only a good movie benefits from such promotional events.

Low budget movies can be successful

There are a lot of examples of low-budget, low-tech movie gaining huge success. Some of the most successful low budget movies (technology didn’t come between their production and success) are:

  • Bengali film director Satyajit Ray’s most successful movie Pather Panchali (1955), was produced in Rs. 1.5 lakh using amateur cast and crew.
  • A 1972 film, Deep Throat, cost only $22,500 to produce, it is rumored that the movie grossed over $600 million (the figure is disputed).
  • The most successful low-budget film is considered to be 1999’s The Blair Witch Project. The movie had a budget of $60,000 but grossed over $248 million.
  • The most successful movie in Bollywood, Sholay, cost only Rs. 2 crore to make. But it has created a record of being the highest grossing moves of all time.

We don’t need hi-tech movie we only need quality movies

Our film makers are still now sure why Nepali people watch Hindi and English movies. They have a feeling that Hindi and English movies are made better only because of the use of latest technology. Yes, technology is also one of the factors in producing better quality movie, but it isn’t the only decisive factor. Nepali viewers donÂ’t expect hi-tech 3D movies, or animated movies like Avatar / Spiderman or Krissh in Nepali. How about movies like 3 idiots, My name is Khan, or Slum dog Millionaire? These movies don’t need advanced technologies to make.

The film makers who can make optimum use of the available technology don’t complain on the lack of latest technologies. They work hard, find better story, write fool-proof script and remain original.

11 thoughts on “Technology in Movies – Is that the reason Nepali movies are bad?

  1. Yes it is true that nepali film industry has limited technology but the main problem is that it does not get required investment. Investors dont want to make film in high invest ment. If they have a nice script they do not have to invest in animation because they can take the scene of natural beauty.

  2. when script story is not good ,,film maker are not doing effort ,then why we need good technology..actually its all the entertainment and time pass for the film maker ..its not the business and its not for viewer ………..

  3. if we dont have technology, we should make the movie which doesnot need technology. I have writting a story that will be cheapest to produce but the most succesfull, but i just need a chance
    i can dream to change the history of nepali movie

  4. DeepThroat seriously…you know that is pretty much a porn movie…with a Hollywood twist…Twist being Linda Lovelace…seriously!

  5. The low budget movie you talking about, to make that movie at that time was big amout you can’t compare with recent budget, you idiot…

    • u r rite………but story ta pahila daang ko banawos……….sal ma 1 ta paisa wasul film nai hudaina….i think it is not only technology but the lacking of good script.

  6. I know Nepali movies are shucks because most actors only wants money Nd they don’t take alot of time by making movies!! that’s one of the reason why nepali movies are not populars!!! cause all they do is copy..always copy!!!!!! I mean thats okey to copy but atleast make a “good” one that can last forever N people would prefer to watch um!!!! N one thing I hate when sachita and nikhil play in the movie together!! it’s better to play with rekha LOL!!!! I love when Niruta play in the movies!!!

  7. I totally agreed with the article. We used to go watch Nepali movie once in a while but after we saw same kind of movie over and over with the same kind of style. We stop watching Nepali movie and start to go for English and Hindi, is that our fault? We strongly suggest Nepali movie makers to wake up and start to think otherwise. Now, do not take me wrong, we have read a news over and over some educated personal (who also went to college in American University/Nepali University) like Resh Marhata, Nirak Paudel, Pitambar Pandey, simos sunar etc are joining in the Film Making which will we believe our film industries to take the international level. Even the poster of their movie like Batch no 16, Challenge, first love and all looks attempting. Now its our job as a viewers to promote and support these kind of new comers so our movie will go far.

  8. I totally agreed with the article. We used to go watch Nepali movie once in a while but after we saw same kind of movie over and over with the same kind of style. We stop watching Nepali movie and start to go for English and Hindi, is that our fault?

    We strongly suggest Nepali movie makers to wake up and start to think otherwise.

    Now, do not take me wrong, we have read a news over and over some educated personals (who also went to college in American University/Nepali University) like
    Resh Marhata, Challenge
    Nirak Paudel, Kusume Rumal
    Pitambar Pandey Batch no. 16
    Simos Sunar, First Love etc

    are joining in the Film Making which will we believe our film industries to take the international level. Even the poster of their movie like Batch no 16, Challenge and all looks attempting. Now its our job as a viewers to promote and support these kind of new comers so our movie will go far.

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