Tejula Khatiwada wants to be bold enough

Did you know about Tejula Khatiwada? Neither did I.

Looks like she wanted people to know her. That might be the reason why she is telling that she has no problem shedding clothes in movies.

Tejula Khatiwada

Well, she is an actress and her debut movie “The Most Wanted” isn’t released yet. She is also signed in another unnamed movie. Apart from playing in movies she had played in some music videos and two video films named Jawaf and Dushman, in the past.

The 22 year old actress from Sindhuli thinks acting skill combined with some bold scenes makes a film successful. It is yet to be seen how skilled she is in her acting and bold scenes. You can read a short interview of the new actress in Nepali here (sorry, the link is not working).

In another interview she was asked about the sex exploitation in Nepali film industry. Her simple answer was “Such rumors can be heard in every jobs. One can’t stop working based on such rumors.”

Tejula wants to be a professional actress who can do every types of roles. It sure will be determined by her upcoming movie whether she can do justice to the role she plays. All the best for her successful career!
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9 thoughts on “Tejula Khatiwada wants to be bold enough

    • Hi tejula. I’m the guy who met you at a restaurant. Trying to contact you. I’ve send you messages on Facebook through alias Jim Sharma. Please reply here. I want to get in touch with you

  1. hi tejula how r u ?i wach your movie the mostwanted your movies is very very good i like so much. keep the good work best of look .sejan

  2. Tejula..Hoe r u?
    From the day i saw ur song ‘Barta safal bho’ on youtube. i hav become a fan of urs..
    now eagerly waiting for ur upcoming movies…

    never say u r happy when u r sad..
    never say u r fine when u r not ok..
    never say u feel good when u feel bad,..
    never say u r alone when i m still alive…
    good luck and best wishes for ever.

    Anshu Hamal

  3. I wish you all the very best to your film career,
    and i I also Pray to god, that God, would grant to you Mercy, Grace so that you may live the wonderfull Life.





    • Ur a real Nepali Beauty…
      A perfect combination of beauty with brain.
      I have been watching ur videoes for last 2 yrs.. which reminds of my Nepal here in UAE
      Keep the gud work goin .
      Have a bright future ahead. also learnt that ur movie :The Most wanted :
      is gonna release in short time.. saw some glimpses of the songs from the movie.. reall enjoyed them..
      Best of luck
      Priya Jain

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