The Third Nepal Africa Film Festival 2013 completes successfully

The third edition of African film festival held by the College of Journalism and Mass Communication (CJMC) has completed successfully in Kathmandu. The film festival was held in the Russian Cultural Center in Kamalpokhari. On the closing ceremony the member of Film Development Board, Nilhari Kafley appreciated the college effort and dedication on the organization of the film festival for the last three years.

The Third Nepal Africa Film Festival 2013 started with the theme "Bridging Gap Nepal and Africa." The top actor of Nepali movie industry, inaugurated the film festival on June 18, 2013.

inaguration photo

Out of 30 films, 10 African Films were selected to be screened in the festival. In addition to African films, two Danish films, three short Russian and three Nepali films were also screened in the festival.

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