Rishav Khanal and Nagendra Ghimire, O-Level students of Budhanilkantha School came in first place in a watercraft race with their "Missile Boat".
The competition is a unique race designed to test the ingenuity, assembly skills, and understanding of practical problems of the participants. The participants had to bring a working model of a battery powered craft, 12 inches by 8 inches, designed to cross 25 m length of water in the competition.
It is good thing to know that some students have achieved success. The news should have been released somewhat earlier. Are the readers not interested in good news or is it the journalists are lazy in covering such events?
I think these are the people who need the encouragement in achieving success and make us proud. Congratulation you two!
Congrats Rishav and nagendra Dai. And thanks for giving suggestion for our bullet train model. I am sure next year, we will win that competition. With our innovation. Best of luck for your a levels.
Wow this is great!
Congratulations, Rishav Khanal and Nagendra Ghimire.
Was it published anywhere else?
Great for covering such news.
Nagariknews was the only news media who published the story (link is in article).
Budhanilkantha School website doesn’t mention about it.
The official competition website was down due to Bandwidth problem, while I wrote the article.