Nepali Movie – Mero Valentine (#ValentineDay special)

Nepali Movie – Mero Valentine
StarringBaboo Bogati, Nisha Adhikari, Susmita Dhakal, Swotarntra Pratap Shah, Rashmi Bhatta, Bhawana Parjuli etc.
Director: Suraj Subba Nalbo

A presentation of Sushil Shrestha for Soft Image Entertainment, Nepali movie ‘Mero Valentine’ is a love story movie. Singer Sugam Pokharel is also featured in a friendly appearance in the movie. The child artist in the movie is Arya Shrestha. Although the movie is named after Valentine Day, the movie was released in theater on August 1, 2014.

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Prem Geet premier show held, Sudarshan Thapa appreciated (video report)

The premier show of ‘Prem Geet’ was held in Jaya Nepal theater on Wednesday, February 10, evening. The director of hit movie ‘Mero Euta Sathi Chha’, Sudarshan Thapa, was appreciated by the viewers of the movie. In the premier show, artists of the film, film makers, directors and other film artists were present at Jaya Nepal.

Video report:

After the show, most of the participants have told that they liked the movie. Well known film makers Chhabi Raj Ojha and Bikash Acharya had also told that they appreciated the direction of Sudarshan Thapa.

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