National anthem of Nepal

I had initially written this post on Jun 24, 2007. The videos posted at that time are removed. So, I created a video myself – a National anthem video to add in this post.

The National anthem before the country became a republic nation was King’s anthem. The anthem only talked about the king and his land. I will prepare a video about the old national anthem and will update this post in a few days.

When I was a little kid, we had to sing the anthem everyday in the morning.
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Rekha Thapa slips down to 7th position – Top 10 actresses chosen by 10 directors

The Number 1 actress is no longer the top actress in the Nepali film industry – according to a survey among 10 well known Nepali directors. In fact, Shilpa has gone a rank higher than Rekha Thapa. It seems, she is on her path to be the top actress.

Watch the top 10 actresses:

Personally, I think other actresses deserve the top position rather than actress Keki Adhikari. It could be either Namrata Shrestha or Priyanka Karki. Namrata has won all the film awards this year. She has a very good track record of successful movies. Priyanka Karki is also a good actress and one of the busiest actress in the film industry.

Keki is a good actress but, she hasn’t been careful in her choice of movies. Although she has done a very good job, none of her movies have been that successful.

Judge Directors

This list of top 10 actresses was chosen from the views of the following directors by ‘Today’, a weekly of Annapurna Post:
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