Friday Relase – Aishwarya of Ramesh Upreti and Deepika

This week, on the occassion of the popular festival of Terai, Chhat, new Nepali movie ‘Aishwarya’ is releasing in theatre (on October 27, 2017). Songs and the trailer of the movie was liked by the viewers. The movie featuring actor Ramesh Upreti with Deepika Prasain and Keki Adhikari in the leading role also features Prasanta Tamrakar, Arjun Shrestha, Nirmal Sharma and Tenju Yonjan in main roles.

The movie presented by a well known actor of the past, Ramesh Upreti is produced by Arjun Shrestha and Kiran Rana Upreti. The actor Nirmal Sharma ‘Gaida’ is also the executive producer of the movie. The movie directed by Deewakar Bhattarai features the cinematography of Sudip Baral, music by Arjun Pokharel and choregoraphty of Tenju Yonjan.
In the beginning only Deepika Prasain and Ramesh Upreti were told to be the leading artists of the movie. Later, the fact that Keki is also in the movie was revealed.

Watch the trailer of the movie.
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