Director Subarna Thapa marries Devika Bista

Film Director Subarna Thapa has married journalist Devaki Bista. The marriage ceremony was held in a private cremony held among firends and family members.

Directo Subarna is known for directing the movie ‘Soongava’, a movie made on lesbian love story. The movie featuring Nisha Adhikari and Deeya Maskey was liked by critics. The movie had won various international awards and was also sent to represent Nepal in Oscars. (Read more about the movie‘)

The director, Subarna Thapa has been living in France for quite some time. He had also directed other movies like ‘Fanko’ and ‘Bato Muniko Phool 2’. Thapa has also directed a number of short films.

Watch ‘Soongava’ full film here.
The movie ‘Soongava: Dance of the Orchids’ was also released with French sub-title.

I wish a very happy married life of Subarna and Devika.

Watch Love Station (Full Movie) even before the film is released

Pradeep Khadka and Jassita Gurung starrer film ‘Love Station’ is not yet released in theatre. Only the trailer of the film is released. But, based on the scenes in the film, it is highly likely that the movie is an actual copy of this Turkish film, titled ‘Her Sey Asaktan’.

The trailer starts with actress Jassita Gurung coming out of ‘Love Station Restaurant and Lounge’. The character Gurung is featured in is alarmed by the sound of horn of a car. The reaction of Jassita is exact copy of a scene in ‘Her Sey Asaktan’. It is not only the scene, the vehicle Pradeep is driving and that in the Turkish film is of similar design.

Based on this scene, it is clear that the director has copied it in the Nepali film. It is highly likely that the whole film is copied from the movie.

I think, the original scene is more seasoned and better presented than the Nepali version. Although the dialogue delivery seems okey, the scene execution is somewhat sloppy in the Nepali movie.

Watch the first minute of the trailer (attached below) and compare it with the scent at 7 minutes location in the following video.

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Chinese Ambasador Nepali dance on the Women’s Day, 2019 (Video)

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Hou Yanqi performs in a Nepali song to mark Women’s Day – March 8, 2019. She wore Nepali dress and danced to a Nepali song ‘Chari Jastai Udna Paye…..’


To mark the 109th International Women Day, the programs was held in the capital on March 8. The event was inaugurated by Minister for Women, Children and Senior Citizens Tham Maya Thapa, the program was organized by Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu on Friday.

The song was chosen tp matches with the theme of the International Women’s Day 2019: Think equal, build smart, innovate for change.

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Nepali Movie – Black (Aakash Shrestha, Aanchal Sharma)

Nepali Movie – Black
Starring – Aakash Shrestha, Aanchal Sharma, Aayush Rijal, Sushil Chhetri, Dhiren Shakya, Priya Rijal etc.
Director – Pradeep Shrestha

A movie by well known director Pradeep Shrestha, features well known actors like Aakash, Aayush, Sushil Chhetri, Dhiren Shakya and Priya Rijal with Aanchal Sharma. The writer, Maunata Shrestha is also known for writing a good script.

Watch the full movie

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