Sorry, no history was made at Cannes Film Festival 2019 (Executive Summary)

When Priyanka Karki left Nepal to participate in the 72nd Cannes Film Festival in France, she claimed that a new history was going to be made at the festival. She claimed to be the first ever actress to participate in the festival. But, it turned out, she was lying. It is quite disturbing that she had knowingly lied about the whole thing.

In the beginning Priyanka told:

Like some normal people, we believed her and were very happy on her representation of our country. Then things started to go out of sync. Priyanka started copying Bollywood celebrities style.

I thought, that was her love to Priyanka Chopra and being her die-hard fan, Karki was trying to be Chopra at the festival (now, I am not sure if that was a sign of inferiority complex.)
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Nepali Movie – Changa

Nepali Movie – Changa
Starring – Buddhi Tamang, Kamal Mani Nepal, Ankit Khadka etc.
Director – Kishor Bhandari

The title suggests that the movie is about Dashain and kite – the Changa. Nepali movies have copyrighted music in them so sounds are removed by at places. The viewers have complained about lack of sounds in different parts of the film.

Watch the full film:
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Nepali Movie – Dui Rupaya (Kutu Ma Kutu film)

Nepali Movie – Dui Rupaya
Starring – Nischal Basnet, Asif Shah, Buddhi Tamang, Menuka Pradhan etc.
Director – Asim Shah

A presentation of G21 Pictures and Black Horse Pictures, the movie “DUI RUPAIYAN” gained a lot of limelight because of the popular song – ‘Kutu ma kutu’ featuring Swastima and her husband Nischal Basnet. The movie was produced by Nischal and Asif, two of the leading characters. Swastima Khadka was only featured in the super hit song.

Watch the full movie :
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