Shrinkhala got into Religion trouble again !

Last time it was Christianity. She distributed Santa Clause things during Christmas to poor kids and was accused of promoting Christianity to poor unsuspecting kids. She did that for the kid’s fun and entertainment.

Now, she is being the target of Muslim people in Nepal. There was a fashion show featuring hijab and Shrinkhala along with actress Priyanka Karki and banker Raveena Desraj participated in the fashion show. But, their participation was controversial.

This is what people think – “Now Promoting hijab. Next promote burqa. Next promote sharia law in Nepal. And next stone a woman to death in Tudikhel for marrying someone she chooses.”

One commenter says: “I am extremly disappionted @shrinkhala_ ..Hijab is a symbol of women oppression ..I am not against the people who wears it because its their choice but please do not encourage it should not be something you celebrate.”
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