38 or 41, How Many Prime Ministers did Nepal have ?

This is an odd debate. The history is clear but, what is uncertain is – which historical figure can be considered the ‘Prime Minister’ and which can’t. The official website of the office of the prime minster of Nepal states that there were 38 prime ministers so far. The list has some gaps in time line – showing it is clearly missing some of the acting prime ministers like Gyanendra Shah and Mahendra Shah.

I prepared the following video based on the information available in PM’s office:

The full ist:

38. K.P. Sharma Oli
– 1st. From 2014-10-11 to 2016-08-03 AD
– 2nd From 2018-02-13 (the current PM)

37.Sushil Koirala
– 2014-02-11 to 2014-10-10 AD

36. Khil Raj Regmi
– 2013-03-14 to 2014-02-11 AD (Acting Prime Minister)

35. Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
2011-08-29 to 2013-03-13 AD

34. Jhala Nath Khanal
– 2011-02-06 to 2011-08-28 AD

33. Madhav Kumar Nepal
– 2009-09-25 to 2011-02-05 AD

32. Puspa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’
1st – 2008-2009 AD,
2nd – 2016-08-03 to 2017-06-06 AD

31. Sher Bahadur Deuba
1st – 1995-1996
2nd – 2001-2002
3rd – 2004-2005
4th – 2017-06-07 to 2018-02-15 AD

30.Manamohan Adhikari
– 1994-1995 AD

29. Girija Prasad Koirala

1st – 1991-1994
2nd – 1997-1998
3rd – 1998-1999
4th – 1999-2001
5th – 2006-2008 AD

28. Krishna Prasad Bhattarai

1st – 1990-1991
2nd – 1999-1999 AD

27. Marich Man Singh Shrestha
1986-1989 AD

26. Lokendra Bahadur Chand

1st – 1983-1985
2nd – 1989-1990
3rd – 1996-1997
4th – 2002-2003 AD

25. Nagendra Prasad Rijal

1st – 1973-1975
2nd – 1985

24. Kirti nidhi Bista
1st – 1968-1969
2nd – 1971-1973
3rd – 1977-1979 Ad

23. Surya Bahadur Thapa

– 1964-1966
– 1966-1968
– 1979-1983
– 1997-1997
– 2003-2004 AD

22. Dr. Tulsi Giri
– 1962-1964
– 1975-1977 AD

21. Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala
– 1959-1960 AD

20. Subarna Shamsher J.B.R
– 1958-1959 – Acting Prime Minister

19. Dr. K.I. Singh
– 1957-1958 AD

18. Tanka Prasad Acharya
– 1955-1957 AD

17. Matrika Prasad Koirala
– 1951-1952
– 1953-1954 AD

16. Mohan Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1948-1951 AD

14. Juddha Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1932-1945 AD

13. Bhim Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1929-1932 AD

15. Padma Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1945-1948 AD

11. Dev Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1900-1901 AD

10. Bir Shamsher J.B.R.
– 1885-1900 AD

12. Chandra Shamsher J.B.R.

1901-1929 AD

9. Ranodip Singh Rana
– 1876-1885 AD

8. Bam Bahadur Rana
– 1856-1857 AD

7. Junga Bahadur Rana
– 1846-1856,
– 1857-1876 AD

6. Mathabar Singh Thapa
– 1843-1845 AD (Prime Minister)

5. Fatya Jung Shah
– 1840-1843 (Mukhtiyar)
– 1845-1846 AD

4. Rana Jung Pandey
– 1839-1840 (Mukhtiyar)

3. Puskar Shah
– 1838-1839 AD (Mukhtiyar)

2. Pt. Ranga Nath Paudyal
– 1837-1838 AD (Mukhtiyar)

1. Bhimsen Thapa
– 1806-1837 AD (Mukhtiyar)

Bhimsen Thapa was named Mukhtiyar – the post equivalent to a current day prime minister. He was one of the most powerful person of the country while the king was like a ceremonial post.

Before Bhimsen Thapa, the chief of the minister were called Mulkaji (Chief Kaji) – the manager of the ministers. Some claim Kalu Pande to be the first prime minister. But, he was only the manager of minister and was not responsible of running the country. Mathabar Singh Thapa is termed the first prime minister. After Mathabar Singh, Jung Bahadur Rana took over the post and was the de-facto ruler of the country.

In 1960 when King Mahendra sacked BP Koirala from the post of Prime Minister, he took over the responsibility of the prime minister until Dr. Tulsi Giri was appointed to the post in 1962. So, King Mahendra can be named the prime minister from 1960 to 1962.

Similar situation occurred in 2005 when King Gyanendra sacked Sher Bahadur Deuba and took over the power to himself until Girija Prasad Koirala was appointed the prime minister in 2006. So, Gyanendra can also be termed the prime minister of Nepal from 2005 to 2006.

If Gyanendra and Mahendra are considered the prime ministers – there would be 40 prime ministers so far. Please comment:

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