42 wives of Jung Bahadur, Oh my goodness!

Jung Bahadur died 59 years old. He first got married when he was 10 years old. That makes – 48 years of his married life. He got a new wife almost every year. Despite of these strange facts, Jung Bahadur was a dedicated and loyal lover. He fell in love with the younger sister of his first wife – Gajendralaxmi.

But, Gajendralaxmi’s father wouldn’t let Jung Bahadur marry her and he married her off with another guy. I wrote about the love story in my previous post (Read the strange love story of Jung Bahadur). Now, let’s dive into 42 “known” wives of the dictator.

Jung Bahadur would find a way to get everything he wanted; whether it is a person or the power. He killed the prime minister to declare himself the prime minister of Nepal. He also tried to make himself the king, but failed. When it comes to women – he would get all of those he liked. He would woo them or if they are unwilling he would abduct them and bring to his palace. That was what he did Gajendralaxmi. He snatched Gajendralaxmi from her husband.

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Jung Bahadur Rana strange love story – he made his girlfriend a queen

This is a very strange and ambitious love story. The story has everything – a desire, promise, tragedy, reunion and love. It would certainly be a super-hit film if made properly. The love of one of the most ruthless and powerful person in Nepal. A brave, strategist and successful person, Jung Bahadur was also a great lover.

Watch the story video:

This is an example how he obtained everything he desired for. It is really interesting how far he could go to achieve what he wants. For the girl he was attracted to, he did everything from asking for, fighting for and stealing her from her lawful husband. Although he was strong and successful, he didn’t take advantage of her. Instead, he fulfilled everything he promised her – even an impossible promise – to make her a queen.

To make his girlfriend a queen, he snatched the power from the prime minister by killing him. He resigned and declared himself the king. But, nobody accepted him the king. In the mean time, Jung Bahadur had appointed his brother the prime minister of Nepal. When, his attempt to become the king was unsuccessful – his prime minister brother died in a mysterious circumstance in less than a year of being appointed the prime minister – opening a path for Jung Bahadur to become the prime minister again.
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All the Cabinets and Ministers after the declaration of the Constitution of Nepal, 2015

Right after the declaration of the Constitution of Nepal, the prime minister at that time, Sushil Koirala resigned to give way for the formation of a new government. This post lists all the ministers appointed after the declaration of the new constitution. The historical record of all the cabinets before the Constitution of Nepal 2015 will be listed at the end of this post.

Khadga Prasad Oli Cabinet (2015)

Date formed 12 October 2015
Date dissolved 4 August 2016

Head of state
– Ram Baran Yadav (until 29 October 2015)
– Bidhya Devi Bhandari (from 29 October 2015)
Head of government – Khadga Prasad Oli
Member party
– Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) (Major)
– Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (Major)
– Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Major)
– Madhesi Jana Adhikar Forum, Nepal (Minor)
– Bahujan Samajwadi Party (Minor)
– Rastriya Janamorcha (Minor)
– Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist) (2002) (Minor)
– Nepal Loktantrik Forum (Minor)

Right after the declaration of the Nepalese Constitution, and after Sushil Koirala stepped down as the Prime Minister of Nepal, Khadga Prasad Oli was elected the new Prime Minister of Nepal on 12 October 2015. Oli was supported by the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and several smaller parties. Khadga Prasad Oli government’s main agenda was to hold election.
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Sushil Koirala Cabinet and full list of ministers (2014 to 2015)

This is a part of series of historical posts in xNepali about the Prime Ministers.

Watch the video report about the Prime Ministers of Nepal:

Following the Nepalese Constituent Assembly election in 2013, Nepali Congress leader Sushil Koirala was appointed the Prime Minister of Nepal. Sushil Koirala and backed by the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist). According to the power-sharing agreement, the cabinet consisted of 11 ministers from the Nepali Congress and 10 ministers from the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist), one minister of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), one minister of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party and five ministers from other parties.

Full list of ministers of the government:
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38 or 41, How Many Prime Ministers did Nepal have ?

This is an odd debate. The history is clear but, what is uncertain is – which historical figure can be considered the ‘Prime Minister’ and which can’t. The official website of the office of the prime minster of Nepal states that there were 38 prime ministers so far. The list has some gaps in time line – showing it is clearly missing some of the acting prime ministers like Gyanendra Shah and Mahendra Shah.

I prepared the following video based on the information available in PM’s office:

The full ist:

38. K.P. Sharma Oli
– 1st. From 2014-10-11 to 2016-08-03 AD
– 2nd From 2018-02-13 (the current PM)

37.Sushil Koirala
– 2014-02-11 to 2014-10-10 AD
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History of Nepali Literature

Nepali Language has evolved from Sanskrit. Initially, Nepali language was termed as “Gorkhali” or  “Khas” language but the king Prithivi Narayan Shah united the country, it got its name Nepali.

The oldest evidence found written in Nepali Language is Ashok Chilla’s bronze plate, carved in 1321 B.S. The oldest book written in Nepali language found to date is ‘Khanda Khadya‘ (1642). The writer of the book however is not known.

Other ancient books without their author’s name are ‘Swasthani Bharatkatha’ written sometime in 1658 BS and ‘Baj Parikxya‘ written sometime in 1700. The oldest known writer of Nepali books is Prem Nidhi Pant. Two of his books ‘Jwarup Pati Chikitsha‘ written in 1773 BS and ‘Prayashit Predi’ were both translation from Sanskrit books.

Dr. Tara Nath Sharma, has divided the history of Nepali Literature into 5 different eras:

  1. Pre Bhanu Bhakta Era (from beginning to 1871 B.S.)
  2. Bhanu Bhakta Era (from 1872 B.S. to 1936 B.S.)
  3. Moti Ram Era  (from 1940B.S. to 1976 B.S.)
  4. Pre Revolution Era  (from 1977 B.S. to 2007 B.S.)
  5. Post Revolution Era  (from 2007 B.S. to present.)

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Earthquake History of Nepal (Historical photos)

The earthquake of June 7, 1255 AD (1310 BS) is the first recorded earthquake in the history of Nepal. During the earthquake nearly one third of the total population of Kathmandu were killed. Among the killed were the King of Kathmandu valley, Abahya Malla. The earthquake magnitude at that time is believed to be around 7.7 in Richter scale.

Mangalbazar, Patan destruction during the earthquake of 1934 (1990BS)

Another big earthquake was recorded in 1260 AD (1316BS) during the reign of King Jayadev Malla. During the earthquake many buildings and temples collapsed. there was a huge loss of lives and an epid
emic and famine after the earthquake was attributed to the natural disaster.

The prime minister, Judda Shamsher J. B. Rana announcing the relief efforts during the earthquake of 1934

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Earthquake in Nepal that killed 5 people – Is the epicenter in Sikkim?

Condolence to the 5 people killed in today’s earthquake and wish for speedy recovery of the 27 injured persons.

The epicenter of the 6.9 magnitude earthquake is told to be in Sikkim, India. But in the map it is shown within the border of Nepal.

Rescue workers at the site of the fallen British Embassy wall. Three people were killed at the site.

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