Actress Pooja Sharma celebrated her birthday in ‘Ajhai Pani’ announcement press meet

Actress Pooja Sharma cut the birthday cake on April 30 in an event held in Kathmandu. The press meet organized to inform about upcoming movie ‘Ajhai Pani’ was also the birthday celebration ceremony. Talking at the event, Pooja told that the movie is her birthday gift.

ajhai pani - press meet pooja sharma

‘Ajhai Pani’ features two well known directors – Alok Nembang and Sudarshan Thapa. Alok will direct the movie and Sudarshan will be featured in the leading role. With Sudarshan and Pooja the movie will also feature Surakshya Pant, Puspa Pant, and Bishal Dhungana. Actors Mithila Sharma, Bijaya Lama and Ramsharan Pathak will also have guest roles in the movie.

Actress Pooja Sharma debuted in the Nepali film industry in 2013 movie ‘Madhumash’. Alok had been absent from the film industry for the last four years. Alok’s last movie was ‘Kohi Mero’. Sudarshan Thapa had directed popular movies like ‘Madhumash’ and ‘Mero Euta Sathi Chha’. ‘Ajhai Pani’ will be the debut movie of Sudarshan as an actor.

We at xnepali wish Pooja Sharma a very happy birthday and wish the success ‘Ajhai Pani’.

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