Aryan Sigdel marrying, November Rain producer worried

Actor Aryan Sigdel and Sapana Bhandari are getting married  after five months of engagement. Although they had married officially in court few months ago, the traditional marriage ceremony is going to be held a week before the release of ‘November Rain’.

aryan sigedl and sapana bhandari marriage

6 days after Aryan’s marriage on Baisakh 6, ‘November Rain’ is releasing on Baisakh 12. The marriage would certainly disappoint the female fans of the actor and it might have negative impact to the movie. In addition to that Aryan wouldn’t be able to devote much time for the promotion of the movie.

The producer of the movie, Subash Giri, has publicly said that he is worried about the movie. 

‘November Rain’ features actresses Namrata Shrestha and Chhulthim Gurung with Aryan in main roles. Namrata and Aryan had also been close friends off-screen.

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