Bandanna – head apparel for fashion and comfort

NOTE: This post is an introduction to the woolen product Sunita Giri designs and sells. She has promised to give one to the winner of the Eye Contest, if the person resides in Kathmandu (the winner should collect it in person from her).

bandana-designs_001 Bandanna is a woolen hair-band which can be used on both winter and summer seasons. As it provides warmth, winter is the best month to flaunt it. Some of the many uses of bandana are:

  • It can be worn on neck to protect from wind chill.
  • It helps in holding hair (specially long ones) in place.
  • It can can also protect head and ears from chilling winds.
  • Some use it inside helmet when driving bikes, as a cushion for head and ears.
  • It can also be used as a fashion apparel.

Though Sunita uses vardhman wool, an Indian raw material with finest fiber and one of the best product in India, it can be woven from any wool material that is locally available.

Bandana design might look misleading. It may seem simple but, it also requires an advanced skill and imagination. It might look simple but, Sunita’s well trained contemporaries also find it difficult to copy my designs.

The time required to prepare one design ranges from one to three a day depending on the interest, size of needle, and yarns of wool. When design is concerned, time is not usually a major factor.

The product is much liked by ladies but, it is not limited to being ladies only product. A lot of males have also liked it very much. Sunita’s my brother finds it a lot better than cap, specially when he rides bike, he wears bandana beneath helmet to protect his head and ear.

Some of the Bandanas Sunita has designed are:

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