Documentary on Mira Rai, the story of a world-recognized mountain runner

Lloyd Belcher has made a short film on a Nepali runner Mira Rai, the winner of Mont Blank Ultra Marathon in 2015. The 80 km long marathon is considered one of the most difficult marathons in the world. 25-years-old ex-Maoist combatant, Rai was disqualified during the combining of the Maoist army and the Nepal army. Rai had a clear win with 22 minutes gap between herself and the second place winner.

mira rai runner

The short film made on Mira Rai is also named ‘Mira Rai’ and is scheduled to release on March 30, 2016. The movie shows how a 14-years-old girl became Maoist combatant and how she became world famous mountain runner.

Mira, from Bhojpur came out of nowhere in the international sports arena has become a true inspiration to a lot of other athletes. The film maker say that the short film is “an inspirational story of an opportunity seized with both hands.” The documentary is filmed in Hong Kong, Nepal and Australia.

Mira grew up like every other kids who did their household chores as a child and trained herself in the place with no modern facilities. Mira met a runner who helped her out to realize the true potential within herself.

Watch the trailer:

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