Friday Release – Luv Sab and Dhoon

This Friday, on September 11, 2015, two new movies are releasing on theater. The movies previously scheduled to release earlier had been pushed back by the earthquake of April 25. The movies releasing this Firday are Krishna Poudel’s ‘Dhoon’, and Dev Kumar Shrestha’s movie ‘Luv Sab’.

luv sab and dhoon friday release

Earlier, Shovit Basnet‘s movie ‘Jaun Hida Pokhara’ was also scheduled to release on the date. But it seems, the movie is not going to release this Friday and actor Jaya Kishan Basnet is promoting ‘Luv Sab’. The change makes sense as the director of ‘Jaun Hida Pokhara’, Shovit Basnet is the father of Salon Basnet, the lead actor of ‘Luv Sab’.

Luv Sab

The love story movie of the youngesters, ‘Luv Sab’ features the heartthrob of the youth these days. The movie features Salon Basnet, Karishma Shrestha, Samyam Puri, Shishir Bhandari and others. The movie is a social love story movie appealing viewers of multiplex theaters.

Directedby Dev Kumar Shrestha, ‘Luv Sab’ is produced jointly by Sushil Pokharel and Narendra Mahrajan. Some of the movie’s dialogues have been promoted as witty and interesting.

Dhoon, a musical love story

The musical love story movie ‘Dhoon’ features actress Neeta Dhungana and actor Jiwan Luitel in leading role. The couple was previous featured in hit movies like ‘Notebook’ and ‘Bhool Bhuliya’. The songs of the musical love story has been liked by the audience. The movie presented by Malati Shah is produced by Sushil Shah, Shreya Dulal and Mudhusudhan Dhakal. Shah in past had invested in hit movies like ‘Jhola’ and ‘Lanka’.

The movie is made on the dialogue and script of Krishna Acharya, lyrics and music of Lucky Sitaula and story and direction of Krishna Poudle. The movie is produced under Tara Sitara Production banner.

Refer 2072 release calendar for the release of the Nepali movies this year.

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