Himgyap Tasi to make Simalko Phool

After the completion of his debut movie ‘Bhimdutt’, director Himgyap Tasi has announced his next movie – ‘Simalko Phool’. The script of the movie is written by Pratap Subba.

bhimdutta press meet

Himgyap is planning to have film students from USA and Canada to be featured in main roles in the movie. The names of the actors aren’t finalized yet. The movie is being produced by a NRN, Anuradha Shah. She was also the producer of Tasi’s last movie ‘Bhimdutt’.

Currently, the music of the movie is being composed under the direction of Sambhujit Baskota. The lyrics of the movie are written by Yadav Kharel and Chetan Karki. Tasi says that the movie is made on the love story of current days youth.

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