Hostel sequel, Hostel Returns announced

The producer of the hit movie ‘Hostel‘, Sunil Rawal has announced the sequel of the movie ‘Hostel Returns’. The producer who was ready to take ‘Love Number’ to floor has pushed it back in favor of the the ‘Hostel’ sequel.

hostel returns announced

In an announcement by Sunil, the movie is going to floor on October 7 and like ‘Hostel’ he will also introduce new actors in the sequel movie. The movie will feature Sushil Shrestha, Najeer Hussein, Abhaya Baral, Sushil Sitaula, Sashi Shrestha, Swostika Khadka, Sudam CK, Ramesh Shreshta, Ivash Joshi etc. The movie will be directed by Suraj Bhusal. Suraj was also going to direct ‘Love Number’.

It is strange, no artists of the original movie ‘Hostel’ has been repeated in the sequel.

One thought on “Hostel sequel, Hostel Returns announced

  1. i really liked the trailer and enjoyed the song baruli kammar of the movie hostel returns..i hope the movie will i like all the artists of the movie

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