Kanchhi, Shweta Khadka film being premiered in NY, August 20

The hit Nepali movie, ‘Kanchhi’, featuring Shweta Khadka in leading role with Dayahang Rai is being premiered in New York on Monday August 20 in Bombay Theatre. The comeback movie of Shweta Khadka after the death of her husband, Sri Krishna Shrestha, is brought to USA by KTB Entertainment(USA).

Details of the movie show:

Venue – Bombay Theatre
Date – August 20 (Monday)
Time – 7:30 PM
Ticket – $15

It is an incredible journey of actress Shweta Khadka from the depression after Sri Krishna’s death to producing a successful movie and being featured in the leading role. Shweta is also in the USA to show her movie to the USA viewers.

Watch the 4-years-long loneliness of Shweta Khadka:

Shweta Khadka: 4th Year of Loneliness, remembering Shree Krishna Shrestha

This video gives the full account of what had happened and how she recovered. One of the most heart touching stories of the Nepali film industry.

Sri Krishna was considered one of the most talented dancer and actor. He was also one of the most successful film producer who had introduced Shweta to the film industry.

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