Kid Queen 2010, Karina Bhattarai

Beauty contests are being held very frequently in Nepal. The contest held today was for the kids – the Kids Queen (Aren’t we fed-up with the word ‘queen’ yet?). Initially I thought, its the kids talent show, not a beauty contest, and 40 schools have sent their 9 to13-year-old students in the event to show their talents. And, it left me wondering why only the girls and why the boys aren’t allowed to participate in the event?

But, when I saw the awards – the event wasn’t what I expected. It was actually a ‘mini’ version of a beauty contest. If you ask me, “Miss Innocent” is the most bizarre award I would like to see my kid awarded with! Our retarded mentality to discipline kids might have created another award title, “Miss Discipline”. I can’t understand why are the schools are teaming-up with the organizers to prepare the kids for the so-called ‘beauty contests’ in the future.


The Kids Queen 2010 contest was held in Kathmandu on Saturday, 15 May 2010. The Kids Queen 2010 crown was awarded to Karina Bhattarai (middle), 1st runner-up to Aasma Aryal (left), and 2nd runner-up to Pragya Lama (right) in the photo above.

Some more photos:

Video of the event:

(Video is not available )

Update: The Kid Queen, Bhattarai is 10 year old and is studying in grade 5 at Babylon National School. The was awarded with Rs. 10,000 in cash along with other prizes. First runner-up Ashma and second runner-up Pragya were awarded Rs. 7,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively.

Other winners:
Miss Hair – Sneha Niraula, Miss Photogenic – Shahara Karki, Miss Discipline – Sabina Rai, Miss Charming – Sujata Lama, Miss Innocent – Saruna Dangol, Miss Personality – Ashwani Shrestha, Miss Smile – Milina Thapa, Miss Friendship – Stalia Pradhan, Miss Screen and Miss Dress – Stuti Singh

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