Looking back to 2067 in Nepali movies industry

In the new year, 2068, let’s look at some of the major events of 2067:


  • Fight director Gopal Bhutani
  • actress Shanti Maskey
  • writer Diamond Shumser Rana
  • singer Kumar Kanchha
  • director Rajudhoj Rana
  • production controller Raju Chhetri and Yam Tiwari

(Condolence to Mira Acharya, wife of comedian Hari Bansha Acharya – she died today, initial days of 2068)

New Relationships:

The most popular marriage this year was that of Manisha Koirala with businessman Samrat Dahal. Choreographer Dinesh Adhikari also got married last year. A new movie producer J B Ghising also got married with singer Lata Yonjan. Singer/actor Prashant Tamang also got married this year.

It is a different story of the marriage between Nikhil Upreti and Sanchita Luitel while Nikhil hasn’t divorced with his other wife, Kopila Upreti.

Problems in Relationships:

Problem in relationship in Nepali movie industry is nothing new and there were some such cases this year too.

There was a rumor on difficulties in marriage between Manisha Koirala and Samrat. But, these days they are out of news.

Bhuwan KC formally announced his divorce with his second wife Sushmita KC. And he has recently announced his intention to marry his latest love affair.

In the last days of the year, a very bitter misunderstanding between singer Anju Pant and Manoj Raj was published in newspapers. Anju has told that she can’t live with Manoj any more and has filed a case against Manoj in court.


Many believe politics shouldn’t enter in art sector. But, the artist have been doing politics and changing camps for their benefits. Bhuwan KC has taken the membership of CPN UML. Other actors/film persons (like Dayaram Dahal, Jenny Kunwar, Shyam Bhattarai and so on) entered CPN Maoist.

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