MaHa to continue their MaHa Yatra in UK at the end of April

After successful tour to USA and Australia the team led by MaHa is going to the UK as a part of MaHa Yatra. On the occasion of the Nepali New year, comedians Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya (MaHa) are going to entertain Nepali Britons later this month.

maha in australia

Photo – MaHa jodi during MaHa Yatra in Australia.

With MaHa jodi, singers Anju Pant, comedian Narendra Kansakar and entertainer Mohit Acharya will also perform in the same stage. The artists are scheduled to arrive in London on April 24 and are returning back to Nepal on May 6.

The schedule of the stage shows are:

  • On April 26, Aldershot
  • On April 27, Harrow Leisure Center
  • On May 4, Hawkings Community Centre

The event is organized by Sapan Rai and Sapan Enterprises P. Ltd.

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