Miss Earth 2019: Riya Basnet is representing Nepal as Miss Earth Nepal 2019

The Miss Nepal Earth 2019, Riya Basnet, went to Philipines to participate in the Miss Earth beauty contest last week. She wrote:

Today as I am about to embark for another big adventure of my life, I recall the times when the thought of standing at the stage gave me chills. For a reserved child like me, who suffered from social anxiety, just taking part in the Miss Nepal was far beyond my imagination. Winning Miss Nepal itself was something that I never dared to dream as a child. But the time I starting daring, I couldn’t stop dreaming. With time, I started believing that anything is possible when you have faith in yourself. And that faith guided me towards the path of Miss Nepal 2019.

However, today’s not about me. Today’s about all those hands that were there to pick me up, every time I fall, to all those eyes that were able to see in me, what I used to deny in myself, to all those shoulder that I could lean on every-time I felt low, and to all those voices that uplifted at times of self disbeliefs. Today’s about all the people without whom I would not have experienced some of the most challenging yet empowering moments of my life. Thank you for having my back through it all. . . the mountainous highs, and the depths of hell.

Like I always say, “I am going to bring the crown home, if not for me, for all the people who believed in me more than I did.” Thank you for believing in me first.

About her project in the contest, Riya writes:

When we began our journey, our goals were clear- We wanted to reach 100 schools and 400 homes by the end of the year 2019. Everyone cautioned us. They told us our goals were too ambitious, our dreams were far-fetched. Despite all these cautionary suggestions, we remained determined and persistent to achieve our eco-goals and the results are showing now.

Last week, we signed a historic agreement with Lions Clubs International District 325 B2 to convert a minimum of 400 schools in their areas into Zero Waste School. Our team has already started the implementation process with the help of Lions Clubs International District 325 B2.

And this is another historic event in order to achieve our mission. We received a letter from Private and Boarding Schools’ Organization Nepal (PABSON) to provide support in our efforts to convert schools into Zero waste school. In partnership with PABSON, we will be working with more than 3000 private schools all over Nepal to reduce waste and gradually convert them into Zero Waste Schools. Our team is determined to implement the project in these schools. We thank PABSON central Committee for their trust in us. And kudos to everyone in youngrootsnepal team for the relentless pursuit of our goals. Yes, dreams do come true!

Here is the post:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

She shared the video like this:

Tree plantation:

Learning new things:

Environment seminar:


All the best Riya Basnet !!
Bring home the crown.
Will update more information in coming days.

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