Miss Nepal stage and Nisha Adhikari, hide and seek game comes to the end in 2014

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Actress Nisha Adhikari had been chasing Miss Nepal since 2008 and finally in 2014 she is going to appear in the contest’s stage for the first time. She is going to go on Miss Nepal 2014 stage to promote her upcoming movie ‘Mukhauta’.

nisha adhikari mukhauta promot

In 2008 Nisha was one of the finalist. She participated and completed the training but at the last minute the contest got canceled.

In 2009 she was about to take part but she couldn’t because of the work load and agreements. She however was one of the judges that year.

After that she dropped her desire to participate in the contest. In 2012 she was supposed to emcee the contest. She couldn’t do that job because of the preparation for the  Everest expedition. Malvika Subba did the emcee instead.

Miss Nepal 2014 contest goes live in Nepal Television starting at 4:30 PM on May 2, 2014.

nisha adhikari

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