Bhuwan KC became the victim of politics, for the second time

Despite of his desperate attempt, actor Bhuwan KC has failed to get a Constituent Assembly (CA) membership. In the final list of CPN (UML) candidates nominated as CA members under the proportional representation (PR) electoral system, Bhuwan’s name is missing.

UPDATE – A part of Bhuwan KC’s press statement and press meet at Reporters Club:


A standing committee meeting, held at Gokarna Resort, has chosen the 84 PR members from the list of 335 names submitted to the Election Commission before the election. The party has become the second largest party after winning 91 seats under direct voting.

bhuwan kc smiling

Bhuwan was selected to represent the party in Kathmandu Constituency no.1 but, was forced to withdraw in the last hours. Bidhya Neupane had replaced him in the election. At that time, he was assured the seat in PR. After the final list was made public, Bhuwan has become the victim, the second time.

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