Biteka Pal to premier in US on January 8

The movie to release in theaters all over Nepal on January 10, ‘Biteka Pal’  is going to be premiered in the USA on January 8. Dreams Entertainmetn is planning to screen the movie in St. Louis. The executive producer, Krish Rijal will be present in the premier ceremony.

biteka pal in usa premier

After the premier, the movie will also be screened in other cites of the USA and Canada. Krish Rijal is coordinating the movie screening in US and Canada according to the demand of the local residents.

The movie is told to be made on a real story. Directed by well known director Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’, the movie features Keki Adhikari, Baboo Bogati, and Abnisash Gurung in leading roles. The movie produced by Rajesh Ghatani was premiered in Nepal on December 28. On the suggestion of the audience, the film maker have decided to make the movie better by trimming the unnecessary scenes of up to 20 minutes.

The video about the premier:

One thought on “Biteka Pal to premier in US on January 8

  1. Hello, I am one of the Dreams team. We have postponed our movie show date to sunday january the 19th because of the bad weather on the previous date which was 8th of january. If you would want to then please can you change the date on the article above.
    Dreams Entertainment Team

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