Why was Bhuwan KC beaten? Ratna Singh speaks

ratnasingh_dangol_1 Ratna Singh Dangol is the husband of Bhuwan’s ‘latest girlfriend’, Sharmila Dangol. It was a huge sensation when Ratna beat Bhuwan KC on the road in Koteshowr for snatching his wife.

Previous article on the incidentBhuwan KC beaten by his girlfriend’s husband (May 14, 2011 incident)

Bhuwan’s proud announcement – Bhuwan KC to marry third time, with Sharmila Dangol

In a latest article, published in Nayapatrika, the 53 year-old husband of Sharmila told the reason behind the beating. Some of the facts revealed in the article are:

  • Ratna Singh Dangol of Sanepa married Sharmila Dangol of Lagankhel in 2040.
  • Sharmila has only read up to 4 grades.
  • Ratna Singh Dangol is 53 years old and Sharmila is 40 years old.
  • They have two daughters – 26 years and 21 years old.
  • Ratna Singh Dangol had previously lived in India, Italy and Libya for work. Later he came back to Kathmandu to open a garage.
  • Sharmila Dangol had two garment shops in Patan, Mangalbazar. She sold the shops to start a boutique in Kupondole
  • Elder daughter gives hand to her mother in a boutique at Kandevtasthan, Kupondole.
  • Ratna Singh knew about Bhuwan KC‘s relationship with his wife after he saw their photos in a newspaper.
  • Ratna Singh didn’t know about Bhuwan KC before the incident.
  • Whe Ratna Singh asked, Sharmila defended by saying that it was only a rumor and there is no truth in the story.
  • When their elder daughter Khushbu, who was in Singapore, came back, she asked her father to talk with her mother about the affair with Bhuwan KC.
  • On Baishakh 31 (the day of beating) he started following Sharmila when she left in her vehicle. The incident on that day was published in various media.
  • After that day, Sharmila is not living in her home and her husband doesn’t know where she is living.
  • Sharmila has sent divorce paper to Ratna Singh.
  • All their property is in the name of Sharmila

These facts are compiled from the article written by Ratna Singh Dangol in Naya Patrika. Photo credits Shridhar Poudel and other media sources.

sharmila Dangol

3 thoughts on “Why was Bhuwan KC beaten? Ratna Singh speaks

  1. o ho bhuwan dai tapai ta danger sikari rahecha 2ta chhori ko aama lai pani nachhodne hai……kaliyugko krishna vaneko nai bhuwan kc ho rahecha ha ha ha………….

  2. Bhuwan keep it up, but fan it may not come true in your life……………
    you crazy man, its seem being a nepali hero you are beaten by Ratna a ……..
    may be sharmila regret with her aged old man

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