Namrata Shrestha to perform in a concert on Sept 27

After the success of Nephop Evolution in Pokhara, Namrata is bringing the musical concert in Kathmandu.

namrata Shrestha sings in a concert

For the first time in her entire career actress Namrata Shrestha sang in a concert in Pokhara last week. It seems, she is taking singing seriously and is going to do that again in Kathmandu with rapper Lahure.

On this Saturday, Namrata is going on stage in a Dashain porgarm at Basantapur with artists like Girish Kahatiwada and rapper Lahure. Lahure was the co-star of Namrata in the recently released movie ‘Tandav’. The concert titled Nephop Evolution starts on September 27, 2014 at 5 PM and lasts for about two hours.

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