Nepali Movie – Ghampani (Keki, Dayahang Rai)

Nepali Movie – Ghampani
Starring – Keki Adhikari, Dayahang Rai etc.
Director – Dipendra Lama

About ‘Ghampani’
The debut movie of well known film critic, Dipendra Lama, features Keki Adhikari and Dayahang Rai in leading role. The movie is about an intercast marriage and the problems associated with the marriage. Dayahang is featured as a Tamang guy and Keki is featured as a Bahun girl who fell for each other and got married. The love story and the popularity of the songs had been credited for the success of the movie. The movie turned out to be the one and the only successful film of actress Keki Adhikari.

Watch the film here:

GHAMPANI | New Nepali Full Movie 2018/2075 | Ft. Dayahang Rai, Keki Adhikari

Release news :

The movie ‘Ghampani’ was released on (release news). The movie was the first hit film of actress Keki Adhikari.

Although considered one of the best actresses in the Nepali film industry and one of the talented actress, Keki Adhikari, hasn’t been able to offer a single hit movie – until ‘Ghampani’. After the movie, no other movies of the actress have been successful. It is an strange case as almost all the directors of the Nepali film industry consider Keki a good actress. But, at the same time she isn’t able to produce a good movie. This is a clear indication that talent of an actor doesn’t make a film successful. I had prepared a video report about Keki Adhikari and her success story:

रेकर्ड ब्रेक केकीको - Keki adhikari record break

Please comment about the reason Keki became successful in this movie and not successful in other movie. You can watch other Keki movies by clicking here – Keki Adhikari films and news. May be it is the nature of the story – an intercaste marriage or Dayahang Rai’s popularity. The director of the film, Dipendra Lama, is also a noted film critics. May be, he found out what the viewers want. Please comment.

Poster of the movie:

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