Nepali Movie – Kheladi (The real martial art)

Nepali Movie – Kheladi
Starring – Sumina Shrestha, Pramod Deep, Shangaratna Maharjan, Ramesh Adhikari, Tirtha Thapa, Bidhya Karki, Gita Shahi etc.
Director – Yogendra Sherstha

Narendra Kaji Shrestha presents Nepali film ‘Kheladi’ (The Real Martial Art), a martial arts movie for Star Entertainment Films banner. The movie features the music of Laxman Sesh, choreography of Pradeep Shrestha, background music of Samrat Thapa, scritp/dialogue of Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’, cinematography of Dik Khadka, and the director Yogendra Shrestha has written the story of the movie.

Watch full movie in single part:

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Upload credit – Sairam Pictures

kheladi poster

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