Starring – Sumina Ghimire, Niraj Baral, Ramesh Budhathoki, Shyam Bhimire, Ganesh Upreti, Rupa Khanal etc.
Director – Mahendra Budhathoki
About ‘Star’
This movie is a presentation of Sangam Vision by Mahendra Budhathoki. The movie debuts Niraj Baral in the leading role opposite to hot actress Sumina . Sanskar Budhathoki is the child artist in the movie. Guest artists in the movie include Saurab Karki, Sital KC, Shobhit Basnet, Sanu Tamrakar, Krishna Chapagain, and Laxman Subedi.
The mvoie features the choreography of Kabiraj Gahatraj, Shiva BK and Suraj Chand. The executive producer of the movie is a well known journalist, Laxman Subedi. The script and story of the movie is written by the director Mahendra Budhathoki himself.
After being featured in hot scenes in a lot of movies and giving controversial interviews, the actress went through tough time because of the controversies. Actress Sumina finally quit the Nepali movie industry soon after getting married in March of 2015.
It was not only the actress, this movie had also created a lot of controversies because of the exposure scenes in it. Not only the film, but the poster was also censored for an excessive skin show it it. The producers had actually tried to cash on the fact that the posters were censored by the government. In the attached poster below, it is marked with the text that says “Poster Censored”. Despite of the excessive publicity and controversy, the viewers turnout at the theatre was not satisfactory when it was released in 2013. The film flopped in the box-office.
Watch the movie in a new link
The previous version, uploaded in 2015 is still available.
upload credit – Highlights Nepal
The profile and posters of ‘Star’ are available in
Another poster: