No big movies release on last Friday of 2073, Aparichit solo release

The Friday, April 7, 2017 was the last Friday of the year 2073. On that day only one movie was relased – ‘Aparichit’.

The movie ‘Aparichit’ features Sarika KC and Prajwal Giri in leading role. The movie is directed by Rupesh Thing. A director of Tamang movies, ‘Aparichit’ is the first mainstream movie of Thing. The movie is told to be an action love story movie. It is produced by Milan Lama and Jabindra Subba. The cinematographer is Sanju Thokar Lama.

Watch ‘Aparichit’ trailer:

A song of the movie:

Earlier, another movie ‘Parba’ was scheduled to release on Chaitra 25. But, the movie was later delayed.

New year release

On the new year – on Baisakh 1, three other awaited movies are releasing. ‘Love Love Love’, ‘Radhe’ and ‘Ghampani’ all three are very competitive to each other. These movies are the reason the last week of the year 2073 was relatively dry Friday. ‘Radhe’ features Nikhil Upreti and Priyanka Karki in leading role. ‘Love Love Love’ features Swastima Khadka with Suraj pandey. ‘Ghampani’ features Keki Adhikari with Dayahang Rai. All three are movies with potential.

In the year 2073 some 85 movies were released. Out of that many movies only a handful could recover their investment. Some hit movies of the year include ‘Chhakka Panja’, ‘Jatra’, ‘Gajalu’ and ‘Loot 2’. ‘Purano Dunga’ and ‘Bir Bikram’ were also popular movie of the year. Read the ‘Top 10 movies of 2073, according to the weekly magazine ‘Saptahik’.

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