QFX Central Case Study – There is nothing for Nepali

Editor’s Note: This article is one of the fact-check analyses for the “Who loves Nepali Movies?” article series. Case study of Gopi Krishna Movies, case study of Guna Cinema and case study of Big Cinema were previously published.

A new shopping mall, Civil Mall, was launched in the center of Kathmandu, Sundhara, in September of 2010. The mall is considered to be a luxurious shopping center similar to City Center. The main attraction of City Center was Big Cinemas, and the big attraction of Civil Mall is another big theatre. Probably, the most expensive theatre in Nepal is named QFX Central. Unlike Big Cinemas, QFX is financed by Nepali nationals and is also a part of Jai Nepal and Kumari theatre. But, that doesn’t mean QFX screens Nepali movies.


The motto of Civil Mall, “There is something for everyone,” is faulty. Sorry guys, you failed for majority of Nepali people, there is nothing for Nepali movie lovers.

Like Big Cinemas, QFX central also thinks Nepali don’t make quality movies and hence doesn’t screen any Nepali movies in it. All you can see in the new, luxurious theater are Hindi and English movies. They prefer flop Hindi movies like No Problem, Je Jyan Se Khelenge Hum to much better Nepali movies like Gorkha Paltan and Bato Muni Ko Phul.

If we compare the theatre between QFX central and Big Cinemas, both are of similar type as both are situated at the biggest shopping mall and both theatres are luxurious. And the only difference between them are that Big Cinema is owned by Indian company and QFX central is owned by Nepali company who are also film makers and are directly engaged in film industry. And they both don’t screen Nepali movies.

Reading to all the articles of this series, viewers may be confused what really I want to convey message or you may also think that isn’t this blog is supporting the Big Cinema. But let me make you clear what really I want to deliver. I am presenting my thoughts and views that a Nepali need to think for the betterment of Nepali film industry. Big Cinemas is in Nepal, and all over the world, to promote Hindi movies, their culture, art, and India itself. Now, it’s time for us to tell them that they should server Nepali community if they want to stay in Nepal. To do that, we have to start loving Nepali movies, screen Nepali movies in best possible theaters, make better movies, and believe in Nepali viewers. With little effort, Nepali movie can be made qualitative to compete with Hindi or English movies.

If we can motivate Nepali viewers to prefer Nepali movies, we don’t need to ask (or force) some theater to screen Nepali movies. If Nepali movies can do a good business, they will instead beg to have a Nepali movie. And, nobody needs to modify banner like Anand has done in the Civil Mall banner below:

2 thoughts on “QFX Central Case Study – There is nothing for Nepali

  1. The author of this article has limited knowledge thus publishing such mis-information should be contested. Kumasi & Jai Nepal are the products of QFX- quest entertainment. QFX central is another product not the sole brand that represent the Quest.
    If you are aware of Nepali film industry,you might have heard about DCN- digital cinema Nepal and it’s promoters. Check who are leading DCN. Nepalese film perform worse if not bad but quest has invested into 2 most populous movie of all time- kagbeni and mero euta saathi cha, suprised! Do your math and whine!

    • @Khairay, I have nothing against anybody’s business. Business don’t prosper on sentiments!
      The new QFX in Civil mall doesn’t compare with Kumari or Jai Nepal. Don’t expect me to believe that they invested in Kagbeni or any other movies for the love of Nepal — they saw earning potential, so invested. If I were in their place, I would have done the same.
      But the QFX theater is a different thing. Nobody has the authority to discriminate a Nepali or Nepali language within Nepal. Nobody should be allowed to promote Hindi or English language and don’t give an opportunity to Nepali language.

      By the way, did I tell you — we are having a promotion of Batch No. 16 – courtesy of QFX (that doesn’t make us their fan).

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