Rajesh Hamal marrying Madhu Bhattrai today at a secret location

Superstar is marrying his long-time girlfriend Madhu Bhattarai today (on May 24, 2014) in a secret location. Only close family members and friends are invited to participate in the marriage ceremony. No media personnel are invited to attend the ceremony.

madhu bhattarai 1

The marriage between 50-years old Hamal and 28-years old Bhattarai is one of the most sought after marriage in Nepali film industry. Before he met Madhu, Rajesh used to make fun of love relationship and marriage. These days, he has started to appreciate the strength of love and relationship.

We at xnepali have been following Rajesh Hamal’s relationship for a long time.

Some facts about Madhu and the relationship with Rajesh Hamal:

  • Madhu Bhattarai has Mongolian looks because of inter-cast marriage.
  • At home, Madhu has her mother and two brothers.
  • For the first time, Madhu saw Rajesh Hamal in "Gopi Krishna". It was a fan-at-first-sight.
  • Rajesh Hamal told about Madhu in 2010.
  • The first photo of Madhu however was unveiled only in 2013.
  • It has been 9 years since Rajesh met Madhu for the first time.
  • The marriage was allegedly delayed in 2010 on the suggestion of an astrologist Harihar Adhikari.

rajesh-hamal and madhu bhattarai proposal ceremony

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