Rajesh Hamal postponed marriage on suggestion of 22-year-old Harihar Adhikari

The fame of Harihar Adhikari, a young astrologer, raised when he rightly predicted the date of the resignation of then Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal. Adhikari made the prediction on the next day of Nepal’s appointment as the Prime Minster of Nepal. After that, he rightly predicted India to be the winner in the Cricket World Cup winner.

Then came a news about the Maha Nayak Rajesh Hamal postponing his marriage by two years on suggestion of Harihar. Alreay late for marriage, almost 50 year old Hamal had recently announced his intention to get married with his young girlfriend.


Although being young, Harihar is not unknown. He has been running a  Astrology program named ‘Faladesh’ in a local television.

In a question about why he suggested Rajesh Hamal to postpond his marriage, Harihar told that there is an acute chance of the marriage not lasting long if Rajesh Hamal married now. He added, "If their love is true, why can’t they wait another two years?"

Harihar added, when he rightly told about the accident that Rajesh Hamal met when he was 13-year-old. He also told about Rajesh’s misunderstanding with his father, without any previous knowledge about the actor’s personal history.

Harirar is doing his bachelor degree in science and he tells that his predictions are based on research and numerical validation.

With the latest popularity, Harihar is going to open his own astro-science office and has an assistant named Santosh who arranges appointments for his clients. Santosh can be reached by calling 9808229916.

