Rajesh Hamal postponed marriage on suggestion of 22-year-old Harihar Adhikari

The fame of Harihar Adhikari, a young astrologer, raised when he rightly predicted the date of the resignation of then Prime Minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal. Adhikari made the prediction on the next day of Nepal’s appointment as the Prime Minster of Nepal. After that, he rightly predicted India to be the winner in the Cricket World Cup winner.

Then came a news about the Maha Nayak Rajesh Hamal postponing his marriage by two years on suggestion of Harihar. Alreay late for marriage, almost 50 year old Hamal had recently announced his intention to get married with his young girlfriend.


Although being young, Harihar is not unknown. He has been running a  Astrology program named ‘Faladesh’ in a local television.

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TV Filmy Cake and Media attention on Rekha Thapa

The prime minister, Madhav Kumar Nepal, offered cake to all the artists during the inauguration of the only film related television in Nepal, TV Filmy. But, media attention was focused on the hot and top actress in Nepali movie industry, Rekha Thapa.

The photo above, posted by a newspaper in Nepal, Nagariknews, was discussed widely in online forums and Facebook. But, it was not much discussed that PM Nepal fed everybody the cake and only Rekha Thapa got the lime light.

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Dashain, Dhog, Communist, and Madhav Nepal

Disclaimer: I don’t favor or detest any political views. I just wanted to show that everything we do is NOT related to religion.

Prakash Dahal, posted the following press photo to prove the Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal is no communist. He claims, Marxist and communists don’t belong to any religion.

But, is ‘dhog‘ a religion?

Dhog, I think, is a culture to show respect to the elders. Some religious pundits branded it as a religious rite but it never was a religious thing from the start.

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Nepal Govt’s World Cup 2010 Gift – Load shedding and …

The final of World Cup2010 started on Friday and our Prime Minister, Madhav Nepal, has found a perfect opportunity to take revenge of his defeat in the election – by imposing added load shedding during the games.

In other countries the government is accountable to the people it rules – as the government is run by the leaders elected by the people. Our country is an exception, with majority of the cabinet members defeated in the election. All of them should be searching to take revenge with the people who didn’t vote them in the election.

Yesterday’s news implies the same:

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has increased load-shedding hours from 42 hours to 54 hours a week, with effect from Monday.

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Top 10 Newsmakers of 2066 BS

The Nepali year 2066 BS is going to finish on April 14, 2010. The year had a few ups and a lot of downs. I am compiling the top newsmakers of the year 2066. Writing the full list will take some time. I will update this page later and hopefully will finish before the year 2066 finishes.

1. Gyanendra Shah (Ex-King, wounded lion?)

Gyanendra (King of Nepal from 2001 to 2008) made news again at the end of the year by telling that the royalty is not dead yet. The political environment was heated and it started political debate on his statement.

2. Paramananda Jha (Hindi attachment)

Paramananda Jha came into controversy after he took the oath of office and secrecy in Hindi language. Paramananda Jha’s position as the Vice President has become defunct from 31 August 2009, with his refusal to take oath in Nepali. According to the Supreme Court’s verdict, Jha wasn’t allowed to perform any duties in capacity of the VP and wasn’t entitled to special security and privileges given to him as the VP. Jha was then in a situation where he has been elected as the VP by the parliament, but hasn’t taken oath.

After six months off duty, Vice President’s post was reactivated from February 7, 2010, after he took fresh oath of office and secrecy. This time, he took the oath both in Nepali and his mother tongue Maithali. Taking oath in mother tongue other than Nepali is permitted after a recent amendment in current Constitution letting President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ministers to take oath of office and secrecy in their respective mother tongues.

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Khagendra proposed and kissed Rekha Thapa

Khagendra Thapa Magar, world’s shortest person (62 cm) is only 4.6 kg in weight. When somebody meets the 18-year-old guy, the person can not resist carrying him.  This time it was actress Rekha Thapa who carried and kissed Khagendra. Khagendra returned the favor with numerous kisses and a marriage proposal.

The light-weight little guy Khagendra Thapa Magar is being an object of admiration among political leaders and film actors these days. Khagendra is collecting funds but, it looks like the political leaders were more concerned with carrying him rather than supporting financially. In my last post PM Nepal was carrying him on his lap.

After that, every major political leaders were seen photographed carrying Khagendra. Here is a collection of photographs of different leaders meeting Khagendra.

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Sujata Koirala – Politics that I don’t understand

I don’t like writing about politics because is is never that entertaining. But sometimes you are dragged into it unwillingly and you feel like venting your dissatisfaction through words.

Sujata Koirala, daughter of Giraja Prasad Koirala faced huge criticism when she was brought into the government  led by her father back in 2008. She was even termed as “the female counterpart of Paras, the notorious son of the suspended monarch Gyanendra in Nepali Congress politics.” by a noted journalist, Dinesh Wagle. When she was given a foreign portfolio in the current government her own party stood against her. The senior Koirala managed to cool down the debate so that she could gather the courage to demand for a Deputy Prime Minister post. In August, the Foreign Minister showed her dissatisfaction by refusing to go with the PM on a high level diplomatic visit to India on the last minute. Many have seen the move as “Height of irresponsibility” on her part. She also made headlines when she invited 3,500 guests on her daughter’s wedding reception. The country’s Social Behavior Reform Act 1976 however bars marriage parties from having more than 51 invitees.

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