Saayad sequel announced, the second time

The producer of successful movies like ‘Saayad’ (watch ‘Saayad’ here) and ‘Hostel’ (watch ‘Hostel’ here), Sunil Rawal, has announced the sequel of ‘Saayad’. The announcement has been made even before the release of ‘Hostel’ sequel – ‘Hostel Returns’.

‘Sayaad 2’ was actually announced even before the release of ‘Hostel’. But, after the release of the movie ‘Hostel’ and, the success it had gained, ‘Hostel Returns’ was prioritized over ‘Saayad 2’. We hope, this announcement is not like that previous one. Like the previous announcement, no details, except for the title concept, is finalized now.

sayad-2 name

In his Facebook post, Sunil has shared a logo ‘Saayad 2’ and has told that the work has already started in the making of the movie. Rawal said that the sequel will feature new artists like his previous movies. In the three movies Sunil Rawal has produced so far, he hasn’t repeated the main actors.

‘Saayad’ introduced Samyam Puri in the Nepali film industry. Wilson Bikram Rai also got fame from the movie. The artists of ‘Saayad 2’ will be selected from an audition from all over Nepal.

The director and other details of the ‘Saayad’ sequel is yet to be announced. The ‘Saayad 2’ workshop is expected to start soon after the release of ‘Hostel Returns’ on Bhadra 4.

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