Sudarshan Gautam – Disabled climber to drive across Canada

Have you ever heard of Sudarshan Gautam? If you haven’t, you would better be prepared to be surprised !

Sudarshan is a Nepali guy in his late twenties, planning to climb Mount Everest in 2012. But, this guy doesn’t have hands to hold the rope on those slippery slopes.

That is not all, he also drives car with his feet, does all of his everyday chores without support, and his is hot in Canadian medias these days. Sudarshan is doing fund raising for the Everest summit and other social works he want to do for Nepal.


Sudarshan is all set to drive across Canada with his feet next year, for his fund raising effort.

Sudarshan said that the driving “…will start from May 1 until July 31-10-2011.” The driving will start from Vancouver and end at the East coast. Although the total length of his driving route is yet to be determined, it would be somewhere near the length of The Trans-Canada Highway that spans 8,030 km (4,990 mi) from East to West.

It is to be noted that Sudarshan had previously driven car in two public events held in 2001 and 2005, in Nepal.


Although Sudarshan currently lives in Canada, he has dreams to build schools for kids and disabled people in Nepal.

Sudarshan has promised to provide updates on the events, which will be post regularly. In the mean time, you can visit his official site in which you can get acquainted with his past life and achievements.

Posted below are some of his old photos:

driving - in Nepal


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