Summer Love delayed, is it due to the search of a cheap actress ?

It seems, the movie to be made on the popular novel by Subin Bhattarai, ‘Summer Love’ is delayed. The reason for the delay is said to be the lead actress. The actress to be featured as the character Saya in the novel hasn’t been found yet. The film to be produced by the producer of ‘Nai Nabhannu La’ franchise, Bikash Acharya, was said to be directed by his assistant, Muskan Dhakal.

Detailed video report:

The movie was initially announced in June of 2015. After almost a year later, ‘Dreams’ actress,Samragyee RL Shah was told to be featured in the leading actress’ role. Samragyee and the film team hadn’t however signed an agreement. Later, when ‘Dreams’ became a hit movie, Samragyee RL Shah reportedly hiked her price and the ‘Summer Love’ production team decided to search for another actress. In the mean time Samragyee RL Shah has signed actress Jharana Thapa‘s directoral debut movie ‘A Mero Hajur 2’ for a sum of Rs. 500 K.

Why go cheap ?

It seems, the production team is penny pinching while searching for an actress. It is not a good sign that the producers couldn’t find an actress not only in Nepal but also in Australia.

I think there is no reason the producers should go searching for a cheap actress as there is a high potential that the movie ‘Summer Love’ will be successful. Here are my reasons why the movie might be successful.

  • It is backed by the very successful Bikash Acharya’s banner.
  • It is being directed by the director of a hit movie ‘Nai Nabhannu La 3’, Muskan Dhakal.
  • The novel the movie is based on ‘Summer Love’ is a very successful novel.

Saying that, there are examples of the failure of movies made on best seller books that failed. One of the latest example is ‘Seto Bagh’. The movie had everything ‘Summer Love’ has – backing by successful banner, directed by much more successful director than Muskan Dhakal – Nir Shah and made on best-seller book by Diamond Shumsher JB Rana.

I think, going cheap is not the right way of producing a good movie.

The production team of ‘Summer Love’ had advertised a call for actress aged 18-24 years old in Nepal and Australia as the movie was scheduled to be shot both in Australia and Nepal.

summer love no actress

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