Carlos Slim, world's richest, beats Bill Gates (it is no longer by a slim margin)

carlos-slim In the last year’s Forbes Magazine’s Rich List, a 70-year-old Mexican telecommunications mogul, Carlos Slim, worth an estimated fortune of $53.5 billion, succeed in surprising Bill Gate’s $53 billion. That was a slim margin of $0.5 billion. Before that, Bill Gates had been the richest person for 14 of the past 15 years.

This year, the 71 year old Slim’s fortune leap-frogged by almost $21 billions to reach $74 billion. Bill Gates, 55, has become a distant second with $56 billion worth of fortune. That was according to the Forbes’ World’s Billionaires 2011.

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Bill Gates not the richest by a slim margin to Carlos Slim

This year’s Forbes Magazine’s Rich List is topped by Carlos Slim, a 70-year-old Mexican telecommunications mogul worth an estimated fortune of $53.5 billion. Last year’s richest person Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is placed in second position with an estimated fortune of $53 billion.

Gates was the richest person for some time until Warren Buffett, this year’s third richest person, stole the top spot off him in 2008. Gates had held the title of world’s richest 14 of the past 15 years.

Mukesh Ambani, worth $29 billion, is placed in 4th position. London’s richest resident, Lakshmi Mittal, worth $28.7 billion, is in the 5th position.

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