Himani Trust's Dance Party in Soltae Hotel

Himani Trust, an organization established in Himani Shah’s name organized a fund raising dance party in Soltae Hotel in Kathmandu on November 26, 2011. In the party, members of former royal family including ex-king Gynendra Shah and ex-queen Komal Shah also participated in the party.


The dance party started at 6 PM and lasted till midnight. The Trust had set an entry fee of Rs. 5,000 for an individual and Rs. 7,000 for a couple. The dance party organized by ex-royals in the 5-star hotel
had a strict dress code of black or red.

Manisha Koirala took Dashain Tika from the former king and queen

After marrying Nepali businessman Samrat Dahal, Manisha Koirala (Dahal) is seen more at home, in Nepal, in festivals and special ceremonies. This year, she was seen in the formal king’s current palace, Nirmal Niwas taking the traditional tika from the former king and queen.

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Happy Birthday Gyanendra …

Gyanendra Shah, the past king of Nepal, celebrated his 64th birthday and many wished him a happy birthday. The photo below features people in line to wish the former king birthday wishes.

A facebook user, Anand Agrawal, posted the photo above and the comment on it really makes sense:

People can do what ever they like in democracy, …. But why are these kids in that line to greet Ex-King Gyanendra, …. kids are suffering under the SUN, and at the same time the Teacher on the line
is wearing umbrella!! what a foolish scene, and teachers of that school.

Yes, it can only happen in Nepal.

Former King Gyanendra Interview Video – Monarchy is not finished yet…

After three years of being a general public, former king Gyanendra has indicated that he can see his role widening in the country. Gyanendra thinks the people still love him and one day he will be a king again. When asked what might be the reason for the end of monarchy, Gyanendra told, “I think monarchy is not finished in first place…”.

To answer a question about his future plans, Gyanendra told, “Stay in Nepal, serve Nepal, serve Nepali. My plan was the same in the past and will be same in the future.”

Interview courtesy Avenues TV.

Part 1

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