One of the sequels of superhit movie ‘Prem Geet’ titled ‘Prem Geet 2’ has started in Kathmandu. The shooting is expected to complete in the next two months. The movie produced by Santosh Sen is being directed by Ramsharan Pathak. In the past, Sen had produced ‘Prem Geet’ and ‘Chankhe Shankhe Pankhe’. Both of the previous movies were directed by Sudarshan Thapa and featured Pooja Sharma as the leading actress. But, after ‘Prem Geet’, the relationship between Santosh Sen and the director-actress couple has turned sour. So, the sequel won’t repeat neither the director nor the actress. Watch the full movies:
While Santosh Sen is producing ‘Prem Geet 2’, Sudarshan and Pooja have teamed up to produce another sequel of the movie titled ‘Ma Yesto Geet Gauchhu’. The movie is also expected to start the shooting soon.
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