Pooja Sharema not in Premgeet sequel, Ashlisha Thakuri to romance with Pradeep Khadka

Actress Pooja Sharma has been kicked out of the hit movie ‘Premgeet’ in it’s sequel ‘Premgeet 2’. According to the latest report, Pooja will be replaced by a new actress Ashilsha Thakuri. While the actress will be replaced, the lead actor will be the same – Pradeep Khadka. It is an irony that, the news has surfaced a few days after the online-couple, Pooja Sharma and Pradeep Khadka had won the Best On-Screen Couple of the year award at the LG Film Award 2016.

During the award ceremony, Pradeep Khadka had acted very strangely. Watch the following video to see what had actually happened in the event:

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