Is that a NO to free promotion? Priyanka Karki went India to meet Ayushman

Priyanka Karki’s next movie ‘Fateko Jutta’ is releasing this week. But, instead of promoting the movie she has gone to India to be with her boyfriend.

There are a few facts about Nepali film artists and the films before I enter into topic:

  • Every artists wants their film to succeed.
  • Most of the artists are paid to act/work in the film.
  • Every artists set aside time for the shooting according to scheduled.

But, when it comes to promotion:

  • Some artists don’t set aside any time for the promotion and have schedule clashes.
  • Some make lame excuses of being busy or sick.
  • Some don’t respond to producers’ phone and invitation to promotional events.

Why what that? I think, there are at least two reasons the artists are not eager to go in the promotion of the movie. One – they are convinced that the movie will be successful and two – they are not paid for the time they spend for the promotion.
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