Vietnam – Hoang Thuy Linh – Paris Hilton type scandal

In America, Paris Hilton’s notorious sex tape started her career in the glamour industry but in Vietnam, an online sex video starring TV sweetheart Hoang Thuy Linh has question marked her career!

In Vietnam, however, this 19-year-old’s online antics has the entire nation calling them — and her — an unforgiveable disgrace.

In “Vang Anh’s Diaries,” Thuy Linh starred as a high school girl who upholds Vietnam’s traditional virtues. Translation? Women are chaste — not churning with sexual desire. Then the 16-minute video hit. Thanks to four college students who posted the clip on the Internet on October 15, the world watched this teen queen and her former boyfriend do the nasty knowing that the camera was on them.

vietnam paris hilton Hoang Thuy Linh

In no time, her TV show was dumped by her network. The tearful actress in national TV said, “I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I apologize to you, my parents, my teachers and my friends.”

But “damage” was already done! Her boyfriend will be forgiven but she won’t! (more photos of her below.)

The ctv blog says:

At the end of the day what’s “hot” here in this new celeb scandal is sex. Paris does it and scores. Thuy Linh does it and sinks. Is it fair? It all depends on what side of the international time line you’re on.

Here is one of her YouTube videos for you to listen her talking:
**not available anymore**

3 thoughts on “Vietnam – Hoang Thuy Linh – Paris Hilton type scandal

  1. Vietnam arrests four students over star’s scandalous sex clip

    Hanoi – Police in Vietnam have arrested four students accused of spreading “debauched cultural products” by posting a sex clip featuring a teen television star onto the internet, a policeman said Thursday. The clip, showing 19-year-old Hoang Thuy Linh and a boyfriend, caused a nationwide scandal and cost the starlet her job. Her hit television shown, Vang Anh’s Diary, was cancelled last week after a national outcry. Thuy Linh played an earnest school girl in the show, which had millions of young viewers and adult fans who saw Thuy Linh as a good example for Vietnamese school students nationwide. The star, whose career is considered over in still-conservative Vietnam, apologized on television. It had been previously unknown just how the private clip – which appeared to be a home video – made its way to the internet, but on Thursday police arrested four college students. “We arrested four students today for disseminating debauched cultural products and they have all pleaded guilty,” said Nguyen Duc Binh, chief investigator of Hanoi Police Department. The 16-minute clip started to leak weeks ago when a boyfriend of Thuy Linh lent his computer containing the clip to one of his student friends, according to police. The clip was then sent to many other people before it was edited and posted on the internet earlier this month by Nguyen Huu Tai, 23, a student at FPT-Arena College in Hanoi, police said. Three other students ages between 21 and 24, who posted the clip on websites, were also arrested along with Tai on Thursday. They include Vo Thanh Hiep at FPT – Arena College, Nguyen Thu Linh at London Fashion School and Vu Thi Thuy Linh at Thang Long University. Disseminating debauched cultural products is subject to prison terms of up to 15 years plus a cash fine of up to 30 million dong (1,870 dollars), according to Vietnam’s penal code.

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