World Cup fever of Nepali artists

Like many Nepali people, Nepali artists are also the fans of football World Cup. Artists have shared photos of themselves wearing the jerseys of their favorite teams. The following photo slideshow features the artists and their favorite teams.

Actress Keki Adhikari‘s favorite team is that of Argentina. Other artists like Deepak Raj Giri, Nisha Desar, Himgyap Lama, Suman Singh, Khusbu Khadka, Jyoti Kafle etc. are also the fans of Argentina team. Comedy artists Dhurmus (Sitaram Kattel) and Mundre (Jitu Nepal) both are fans of Argentina

Next most popular team is that of Brazil. Brazil fans include Deepa Shree Niraula, Malina Joshi, Shankar BC, Uttam KC etc.

Item dancer and model Archana Dellala is a fan of Portugal team. Richa Sharma is a fan of Germany team and actress Namrata Shrestha is a fan of Spain team.

Some more photos of artists:

keki adhikari argentina fan worldcup fever