xNepali Exclusive Videos

I have started video blogging for a while now. I have started making some videos that are exclusive to xNepali. These videos are unlisted in the YouTube. So, they can’t be found in YouTube and are hidden from the public.

Top 5 political events of 2016

On the last day of 2016, I looked back to the year 2016 and listed out the top 5 political event from all over the world.

Top 5 events of 2016 - Happy New Year 2017 - सन २०१६ का ५ मुख्य अन्तराष्ट्रिय राजनीतिक घटनाहरु

The political events include – the presidential election of the USA, terrorist attacks in Europe, Brexit, military coup on Turkey.

Who is Carrie Fisher?

The actress Carrie Fisher, who had played the character of Princess Leia in the Hollywood super hit movie ‘Star Wars’, has died on December 27, 2016. Video report on who was Carrie Fisher.

स्टार वार्सकी प्रिन्सेस लिया: केरी फिसरको जीवनी - Who was Carrie Fisher ?

Shakti Kapoor Inspirational story

A very inspirational story of Bollywood star, Shakti Kapoor, translated into Nepali language.

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