10 movies of the year by Box Office Club include Kohinoor and Nai Nabhannu La 2

Box Office Film Club has honored 10 movies in an event held in Nagarkot at the end of the year 2071. Like previous years, the Club has selected the most successful movies in the year. Out of the movies released on the last Friday of 2070 to the last end of 2071 top ten movies were awarded with different honors.

box office film honor

The movie ‘Kohinoor’ was awarded the Super Duper Bumper Block Buster movie of the year 2071. The movie ‘Nai Nabhannu La 2’ (watch ‘Nai Nabhannu La 2’ here) was awarded Super Duper Hit honor. ‘Kabaddi’ (watch ‘Kabaddi’ here) and ‘Jerryy’ (watch ‘Jerryy’ here) were awarded Hit movie honors.

The commercially successful movies of the year were ‘November Rain’, ‘ Lazza’ and ‘Himmatwali’ (watch ‘Himmatwali’ here). The movie that were selected for doing a breakeven businesses were ‘Tathastu’, ‘Stupid Man’ and ‘Punarjanma’.

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