Nepali Movie – Krodh

krodh-0 Nepali Movie – Krodh
Starring: Dhiren Shakya, Jal Shah, Nikhil Upreti, Aakash Adhikari, Rekha Thapa, Usha Poudel, Dinesh Sharma, Shanti Maskey etc.
Screenplay/Dialogue – Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’

‘Krodh’ is a presentation of Aakash Adhikari for The Sky Movies P Ltd.

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Sujata Koirala – Politics that I don’t understand

Deputy_PM_sapath_sujata_koirala I don’t like writing about politics because is is never that entertaining. But sometimes you are dragged into it unwillingly and you feel like venting your dissatisfaction through words.

Sujata Koirala, daughter of Giraja Prasad Koirala faced huge criticism when she was brought into the government  led by her father back in 2008. She was even termed as “the female counterpart of Paras, the notorious son of the suspended monarch Gyanendra in Nepali Congress politics.” by a noted journalist, Dinesh Wagle. When she was given a foreign portfolio in the current government her own party stood against her. The senior Koirala managed to cool down the debate so that she could gather the courage to demand for a Deputy Prime Minister post. In August, the Foreign Minister showed her dissatisfaction by refusing to go with the PM on a high level diplomatic visit to India on the last minute. Many have seen the move as “Height of irresponsibility” on her part. She also made headlines when she invited 3,500 guests on her daughter’s wedding reception. The country’s Social Behavior Reform Act 1976 however bars marriage parties from having more than 51 invitees.

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